Every Nerd needs a Thug
Rebellious Reign Publications, Diamond Dior 2014© All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without express writer permission from the author/publisher.
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to the real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents are entirely coincidental.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
A note from the publisher:
“Aww babe, you can kiss me ...” and with that he leaned in closer to my lips and in a matter of seconds our lips meet and I felt like the only girl in the world ...
Dropping April 7th, 2015. | Coming March 24th
A note from the publisher:
The beautiful Diamond Dior is Rebellious Reigns own young adult romance author. She is a beast with her pen skills. Finding her was a blessing and even more of a blessing when she accepted and came into the family with open arms. I hope that you all fall deeply in love with Diamond and her characters as I did. Welcome to the family baby girl. #rebelliousreign.
Lola Bandz
First, I would like to acknowledge God for blessing me with talent of writing and also for keeping me safe and alive to see this book published.
Second, I want to say a big thank you to my love, my one and only, my favorite person in the world and my heartbeat Ms. Lola Bandz for all that she has done to make this accomplishment possible, I can't say enough thank you that will ever pay Ms Bandz for all she has done for me. Thank you for the opportunity to be apart of your team. You took me in and groomed me in to the teen Author Diamond Dior
Third, I want to thank my bae, my sister, my love, my R.O.D Cali Carter who helped me to get this far, without her this book would have never gotten to this point.
And Last, I would like to acknowledge the Rebellious Reign Production Team for welcoming me to their family and guided me thus for.
Lola, Cali, Summer, Ebony, Randy, Wayne, Erica, Cashmere, Dominiq, Corey, Davon Thank You Guys For Being there !
You Contact Me On; Facebook & Goodreads at Diamond Dior (Author),Wattpad (TheDiamondDior), Twitter (@AuthrDiamndDior) and on my website: http://authordiamonddior.wix.com/thediamonddior
I entered “Club 27” like the queen I am, smashing a pair of black leather leggings accompanied by my black 5 inches stilettos that matched my gold belly blouse that stopped right about my naval. Showing my piercing and topping it off with a black elbow blazer that stopped at my waist, my accessories, hair, nails and make-up were on point. Not that am cocky, but I must say I look damn good tonight because my man is the king of the city. I confidently posed for the haters, fans and friends while giving them my killer smile. I enjoyed making. Broke niggas owed me, fake hoes wished they were me, and some just happy they know me. After gladly receiving all the glares, cheers, greets and hugs, I headed straight to the V.I.P section to find my man.
Being escorted behind the red velvet ropes with real gold holding them together, I stop and thought about how he went all out for me. Then I continued walking, bringing thoughts of what I am in for tonight when I got home. When I saw him, I stopped again and bit my bottom lip. Adorned in khaki pants with a combat black t shirt with “KING” bold in gold on the front, silver diamond nubs in both ears and a gold chain around his neck hanging with number “27”on it, King made my clit jump.
Sitting in the V.I.P section on a white leather couch, he looked my way while sipping what it looks to be Ciroc. Pulling the glass from his sweet lips, I thank God everyday for this man. He gave me his billion-dollar smile and pulled me to sit his lap. After saying hi to his friends, I leaned back resting my back on his chest. Feeling his well-built 6 pack sent chills up and down my spine as my lips made their way up to his ears. “King” I purred in his ears notifying him that I needed his lips on mine. Within seconds he look down at my pouty lips and smirked. Leaning on my inside, I started to get excited, but I had not yet received my kiss. He slowly leaned and...
BEEP!!!!! BEEP!!!! BEEP!!!!! WAM!!!
I hit the alarm clock. This is the third time that I’ve had this same dream.
“KAREEM!!!!!!! GET YUH BAHIND DUNG YA BEFORE THE BUS LEF YUH... YUH HAVE 2O MINUTES LEF HURRY UP” (Kareem!!! Get your behind down here before the bus leave you. You have 20 minutes so left hurry up!!)
I quickly jumped out my bed, handled my hygiene, and pulled the outfit that I picked out from last night because I knew I would wake up late from studying late last night. After I took my 10 minutes shower, I hurriedly dried my body, moisturized it with my skin lotion, and put on my undergarments. After that, I put on my outfit for the day. I grabbed my phone off the charger, put my grey Beats around my neck, and then pulled my jet-black hair in a messy high ponytail. I wasn’t a fan of make-up but I did, however, wear lipstick. Being that I didn’t want to be noticed, I chose to wear my nude colored lipstick so that my lips wouldn’t look dry.
I ran downstairs, check the time on my phone, and notice the bus would be there in 5 minutes. I grabbed an apple and went to the sink to wash it. My mother came in the kitchen arguing as usual.
“Dats the problem wid yung gyals these days. Dey tek the whole day fi get ready fi go a school” (thats the problem with you young girls these days. They take the whole day to get ready to go to school) said Tameka in her deep Jamaican accent. Stubborn and Miserable is the two words that describe my mother best.
“Mom, It only took 15 minutes to get down here. I don’t see where it took all day,” I argued back, which was a bad idea.
“Look ya don’t bring yuh mouth to me, yuh an yuh Pa no different take too long fi get ready fi go way unnuh a go” she said (look here dont bring your smart mouth to me, you and your father arent different. Always taking long to get ready to go wherever you have to go)
I sighed knowing I wont be the one winning this one. I grabbed my bag, put it over my shoulder, and walked over to kiss her cheek.
“The bus should be pulling up now. I'm gonna go. See you when I get home,” I said heading to the door
“Yuh might not see mi wen yuh get home, mi ago a the beach wid yuh aunty Tannie”(you might not see me when you get home, I am going to the beach with your aunty Tannie)
“OK! have fun,” I shouted before closing the door behind me.
“I will,” I heard her shout behind the door.
Right on queue, the bus pulls up. I got in and headed to the 5th seat at the window. It’s been my seat since the 9th grade.
Now that I am settled, I am Kareem Jenkins. I am 17 years old, and I live with my mother Tameka Davis. She is single and her closest and only best friend is her twin Taneka. She gave my father a divorce 7 years ago yeah around the same time I lost my best friend Carmen. We are not rich, but we aren’t poor either.
My mom owns a Jamaican restaurant in the city, and we live in a middle class environment filled with black people of all types. You have the stuck-ups, thugs, fast girls, addicts, blites (Black –white) and me, not that I am the one to judge. I’m just saying every kind you can think of, you will find them there. I'm a laid back person. I am shy around a lot of people. In fact
, I like to be by myself. I don’t have any friends. My last best friend died when I was 10. She committed suicide because her dad left her family.
From that, I never had another friend. It’s not that I never want more friends because I do. It’s that fact that I didn’t trust to easy. I was always bored and I always killed the vibes, but if I don’t feel comfortable, I won’t give you the energy you want from me. I don’t have a boyfriend. My first boyfriend was Jaedon at 16. He dumped me three days after we got together. We started dating on a Friday and he said if it wasn’t for Saturday and Sunday, he would have dumped me at the end of the day because he wanted to take my virginity and I refused so he ended it. I'm mixed. My mother is full Jamaican and my father is mixed with black and Mexican.
My skin tone is dark brown, I have long black curly hair that stops right below my shoulders. I am 5’5, and I wear glasses, thanks to my dad genes. I can’t stand contact lens because they irritated my eyes. However, I have to switch to contacts next week. I like to dress simple, nothing too attractive. I love to read books so yeah I am a nerd, but bookworm would be a much nicer word. Last but not least, I am a senior at Hood Rich High School. Wow! I didn’t notice that I told my life story all the way to school.
I got off the bus and headed for my locker to empty my bag because it was bit heavy. While walking to my locker, something got in my eye and I took my glasses off to get it out. I couldn’t see anything while walking. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground, flat on my bum.
I know there was someone that I ran in to. I'm just hoping it wasn’t one of the popular gang members like “The Disciples.” The name might sound Godly, but it’s rumored that their acts are not.
Although my eyes were still burning, I slowly put my glasses back on. After adjusting my glasses, I saw a girl about my height, same tone but her hair was long and her outfit was on point. She was pretty and her make-up was flawless. I mean, not to sound homo, but she is beautiful. I quickly got up and put my bag on my shoulder and apologized to her.
“I'm sorry I didn’t see you there because my glasses were off,” I stumbled on my words.
“Its iight,” she reassured me.
I was about to walk off, but I heard her talking behind me. Since no one ever talks to me that much, I didn’t know who she was talking to.
“Hey you !!!” she shouted again.
I stopped and turned around. Maybe she was rethinking her thoughts of beating my ass for bumping into her.
"I am new here and lost. Can you help me?” she asked.
“Ok, did you get your schedule?”
“Yeah...here,” she said handing it to me.
I looked over the sheet to see where her first class was. She had all my classes.
“Well you have all my classes” I told her
“Ok good” she said sounding relieved
Okay, this is too much. First she talks to me, now she feels comfortable around me. Whats’ next, does she wanna be friends? we walked into first period; English, heading for the back where two empty seats reside.
I can’t believe it I have a new friend! Her name is Monique and she turned 17 last week. She is cool and energetic. The moment she introduced herself to the class, they loved her. A couple guys invited her over to their table for lunch but she declined their offer to have lunch with me. In math second period she put Mikey’s ass on blast for calling her hoe and she said would get her brother to deal with his ass. I had to calm her down because she is quick to blow.
She said her brother wanted her to be safe, so he made her parents transfer her here.
Hmm who could be her brother?
We chatted through the classes we had earlier. She lives with her parents and her brother, who she kept saying he was well known at the school, but I can’t put my finger on who she talking about.
Now we are sitting in my normal spot in the lunchroom, which is in the far back. The last table to be exact where nobody but me sits, now I have someone else plus you can see everybody from there the cheerleaders, smart ones, the bench warmers, fakes, wanna be thugs, dance group and, Basketball team aka The Disciples.
Then Monique did something no one dared trying
She looked over at The Disciples table
Not only did she look over there, she had the courage to walk over there. Monique also picked up a bag and just as the head cheerleader, Gabriella was about to say something to her, she cut her off with a mean mug and came back to our table with the bag.
"Oh My Gosh," I said as my heart beat faster. I was sweating like a thief who was staring at a barrel of a gun to their forehead.
"What happened?" Monique asked eating her chips.
"Y-you just t-took the bag o-off their table," I said as my eyes grew bigger and sweat ran faster down my forehead.
"Yeah so what... girl are you ok? You sweating like you bout to get ya’ ass blown," she said as she went through the bag.
My breathing was un-even right now.
Just thinking of the punches, slaps, or maybe shots we are in for had me re-thinking being Monique’s friend. Why would she go over to their table and take the bag off the table like that?
SHIT! Just when I was cooling down, I saw Cameron enter the cafeteria with his crew and walked straight to his girlfriend Gabriella. I can’t stand her because she is so fake, ugh she makes my stomach churn. It began to churn more when Gabriella pointed over here. After that, Cameron began to make his way to our table.
"Uh, um Mo-" I stammered out, the words couldn’t come out fast enough.
"Monique!" Cameron beat me to it.
"What!?" she answered in an annoyed tone.
Keep Calm Kareem...
"What the fuck you want with my bag?" he asked her in an irritated tone.
"Shit Cameron. I know you have my pen." She waved him off.
“I aint got your shit." He said to her as he stared her down.
Am I the only one who's lost here?
"My bad Kareem, this my annoying, stupid ass big brother Cameron." She smirked at me.
“Omg!” I said aloud,
“I must really look stupid.” I said out loud yet again. This was embarrassing.
"Yeah you did, but you’re cute ma," Cameron said smirking at me. He was so damn fly.
There goes a mad and jealous Gabriella stomping away from our table, I didn't even notice she was here. Monique waved her off.
"Oh please, she should have left a long time ago" Monique scoffed.
"What’s your problem Nique?" Cameron asked.
"I don't like her,” she spat.
Damn Cameron is fine. I have known him since elementary school. Cameron was always cool. He was just an average boy and I had a serious crush on him. He is so fucking hot now, light brown skin, tatted on both arms going down, and on his chest. His hair was low cut, but not too low and he’s roughly 6 feet tall.
My gaze was so deep that I didn't see that he left the table.
"Hold on, let me get this straight. Your brother is Thee Cameron Rodriquez. The hottest , most popular freaking bad boy of the school is your brother," I asked still spazzing.
"Yes." She said like it was nothing while eating her burger.
Yes, we are at Burger King now, I had just met her and all, but she eats a lot. After school, she insisted we go to burger king. We had to ride the bus because she don't have car cause or a driver’s license either.
My mother don’t mind me going out since I don’t go out a lot but when I told her about Nique and her wanting to go get something at Burger King, she said it would be fine with her.
"So how are we getting home?" I asked as we stood at the bus stop
"I'm gonna ask my ass of a brother to come get us" she said taking out her phone.
The phone rang three times before my brother answered. I didn’t care what he was doing but I know he had better climbed out of the kitty to answer me.
“Hello?” I think I heard him an
swer and he had better had.
“WHAT?!” he answered angrily.
“Excuse you?” I asked him to know if I heard him correctly.
“What do you want?” he said annoyed, this nigga playing with me.
“Come pick me up at Burger King in town” I demand, annoyed as well.
“Why?” He shouted, I know his ass wasn’t shouting at me.
“Because I want to go home,” I shouted back.
“Well I can’t come right now, I’m busy.” He said with attitude.
“Busy doing what? You don't ever do home work. You better not be fucking a hoe!” Cameron is trying to make me act a fool in public over the phone.
Then I heard him grunt. Oh hell no he didn't!
“I am telling momma on you!” I whined
"Ouch!" I heard in the background. Was he really fucking a hoe while I was on the phone with him?
“I'm on my way,” he said before hanging up.
She got off the phone and smirked. I guess he is on his way, so I didn't ask her
I sat at the bus stop, not trying to get comfortable. Minutes later Cameron pulled up in a black Range Rover. I got my bag and was heading to the back when Monique stopped me.
"Nah go to the front. I want to lie down."
"Are you sure?" I asked her.
"Girl I wanna go to sleep. Now get in the front,” she said closing the door in my face
I got in the front and buckled up.
"Oh hey...umm?” he said trying to place my name with my face.
"Kareem" I said finishing Cameron statement.
"Hey," I said smiling. I couldn’t believe I was talking to him. As we were cruising the streets it was so silent in the car. With Monique asleep and us alone, it was mad awkward. I hated that the car was filled with silence.
We pulled up to a house that I assumed was theirs at this moment. He looked over at me and turned the music down. I looked up into his pretty eyes and prayed he didn’t ask me anything because I was breathless.
"Let me drop her sleepy ass at home first. Do you mind?" he said asking me while smiling. Oh lord that smile.